Gearing CSP for the future
Today when the basic needs are more often met, the critical barrier is the absence of income and opportunity, CSP is out to sustain a human development agenda that strengthens the families socially, secures the child’s rearing process, and empowers the young with education and skills to break free from the chains of inherited poverty.
Reorienting their course and direction
The children are evolved from subsistence support to empowerment through education and vocational skills
Children with academic potential
a. Upgradation of educational services towards mainstreaming via a secondary schooling system through the drop-out prevention program.
b. Supplementary education at the middle and secondary level of formal schooling through the tutorials.
c. Providing the children holistic education and to make the underprivileged students competitive.
d. Providing remedial education through English upgradation and communication skills.
An Additional Step
Calcutta Social Project keeps in mind those who need the extra help to achieve something.
For those who do not complete secondary education, there are training in vocational skills for employability.
Introducing transformational income alternatives to menial work for underprivileged slum women.
Providing individual talent nurturing and child development programs.
For the Single Mother
Calcutta Social Project provides shelter, education, and nutritional support to the children of the below poverty line working single mothers
Re-engineering the Organisation
The process of introspection and evaluation were initiated sometime in the beginning of the second half of the financial year 2008-09. In the Annual General Meeting held on November 1, 2008 the formal CSP Strategy was unveiled.
CSP looked at its internal and external environment and reformulated its vision and mission statements. Following those, goals were set and the tasks towards streamlining organisational system and activities, evaluation of focus programme areas and action plans for each unit were set in motion.
Institutional Governance
Governance identifies the key roles and responsibilities of the Board vis-à-vis the organisation as well as the staff and can be adapted to the changing needs of the organisation. Clearly defined delegation of powers and responsibilities are being established especially between policy and operations.
CSP has already initiated the process by initially attempting to decentralise decision-making through various Committees, the in charge of each being a Governing Body member.
Strategic management process
The model followed in Calcutta Social Project is:
Committees and Sub Committees have been set up to look after each Program Group. The Committees and sub committees that have been set up are:
CSP is managed by a Governing Body.